
14 Best and Worst Foods for Digestion

7. Coffee, Tea and Soft Drinks – WORST

The esophageal sphincter is responsible for making sure stomach acids remain limited to the stomach, however, the consumption of carbonated beverages, tea and coffee causes this organ to become over-relaxed, resulting in complications in its responsibilities. Moreover, these beverages also act as natural diuretics, which often trigger the symptoms of cramping and diarrhea.

Caffeinated drinks are extremely hazardous for patients suffering from the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you are suffering from the symptoms of heartburn or GERD, be sure to avoid mint tea, but you can always have a cup to gain relief from minor stomach ailments.

Soda Facts

8. Corn – WORST

Corn is packed with loads of digestion-enhancing fiber, along with packing up incredibly amounts of cellulose, a certain kind of fiber that cannot be easily broken down by the human digestive system as our body lacks a vital enzyme to break it down.

Research reveals that our ancestors were able to break down cellulose as they had stronger, greater and sharper teeth. Health experts believe that chewing longer can aid in promoting an easy digestion of this fiber.

However, if you devour it without chewing properly and it passes through your system without being properly digested, it can lead to severe abdominal aches and gas.

Cereal and Weight Loss


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