
9 Herbs That Fight Colds, Ease Headaches, And More

8. Mint

If you’re constantly sensing the presence of butterflies in your belly, which is referred to as collywobbles in medical terms, fresh mint tea is a great remedy to get rid of them.

Mint is a natural decongestant, and all you need is a soothing and refreshing cup of freshly plucked mint tea to heal health ailments such as flu, cough, flatulence, nausea and abdominal cramps.

You can also give yourself a steam session to drive out the flu and cold from your body. Just take a handful of fresh mint leaves and toss them in to a large bowl of boiling water. Take it out in a large pan, lean over the water and cover yourself with a thick towel as you breathe in the steam and allow it to invigorate your mind and open up your congested nose.

Does Mint Help Lose Weight

If you’re planning to grow your very own mint, be sure to use a sunken pot because mint grows an alarming speedy rate.

9. Thyme

Thyme is a very powerful natural antiseptic and a nutrient-rich antioxidant that has remained a famously popular traditional cure for healing flu and colds. You can treat any kind of cold, no matter how severe it is, with a nice hot cup of lemon thyme tea.

Consume it right before bed and go straight to sleep for effective results. However, pregnant women should steer far, far away from this herb.

Where does thyme originate from

You can easily grow thyme in your garden, just be sure to plant it right under the sun, with a light soil that is dry and rich in gravel.


Leave a Reply
  1. Wow!, they are such a wonderful herbs i didn’t know about their amazing healing power. I better try them.#synthetic medicines give me a break!

  2. Thanks, I’m going to try in past 18 months had 4 bouts of walking pneumonia & currently have bronchial pneumonia. I prefer natural to pharmacitial stuff, that only treats symptoms. They don’t cure. Plus before taking antibiotics I’ll try these.

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