
Top 10 Poisonous Fruits

7. Jatropha Fruit

Jatropha is a small tree or shrub that is grown for its tough drought-resistant qualities and it can produce seeds for more than 35 years, having a lifespan of no more than 50 years. It is a tree that grows very fast and requires very little maintenance. It usually grows up to be 3 metres tall, but some also grow up to as long as 8 metres.

Its average height is 3 metres, which makes it one of the easiest plant to harvest and maintain. Moreover, it can be grown anywhere and under any kind of soil circumstances, be it rocky, sandy, or gravely soil, as it can easily adapt to all kinds of climate conditions. This drought-resistant tree can live out two years without any rainfall whatsoever.

Research reveals that this tree experiences a small period of gestation. For the first 6 months, it provides some fruits and after one or two years, its yield of fruits begins to increase tremendously. Victims of its poison are largely individuals residing in regions affected by drought.

Research reveals that the seeds of the jatropha fruit, are brimming with toxalbumin curcin, an extremely poisonous substance. Its sap is considered a skin irritation, and all it takes is the ingestion of no more than three untreated seeds to cause death. However, people still consume the seeds after roasting them, as it reduces the poison and toxicity.

Jatropha Poisonous Fruit

8. Daphne

Daphne is an extremely poisonous deciduous shrub, which grows up to be as tall as 1.5m. It is largely consumed by bird species that eat fruits, for instance thrush, who are immune to the poison and excrete the seeds through their droppings.

Daphne mezereum is classified as a poisonous plant unfit for human consumption as it contains large amounts of daphnetoxin, particularly in the twigs and berries. Victims who end up devouring this poisonous fruit experienced sensations of being choked and an inability to breathe.

Moreover, sensitive individuals can develop symptoms of eczema and rashes by simply touching fresh twigs of this shrub. However, its beautiful flowers compel ardent gardeners to grow this plant to make their garden more attractive.

Daphne's Redondo Beach


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  1. Oh my, thank you for this valuable information! Some plants and berries are so beautiful and look tempting. I am aware of some plants that are bad for our pets. Thanks for all your helpful info!

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