
12 Best Abs Workout — A 7-Minute, No-Equipment Core Workout

2. Knee-In Crunch

Lay down with your face up, fingertips on the ground and legs expanded.

Lift legs until feet are around six inches off the ground. Connect with the core and lift shoulders off the floor like a crunch while additionally pulling knees in toward chest.

Alert not to pull on your neck to crunch; use abs muscles to lift. Reverse the movement to starting point and repeat.

Knee In Crunch Core Workout
Credit Image: Greatist

3. Glute Bridge

Lay down with your face up and knees twisted and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms on the floor by sides, palms looking down. Keep head and shoulders solidly planted on the floor as you press through feet, crushing glutes to lift hips off the floor.

This activity isn’t incredible for hip adjustment and boosting abdominal muscle quality, as in reward, it likewise works your butt.

Glute Bridge Core Workout
Credit Image: Greatist

4. Bicycle Crunch

Lay on the floor with your face up and fingertips behind ears, knees twisted at a 90-degree edge, both feet on the ground.

Lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Carry right elbow to left knee as you expand right leg out straight. Rapidly turn around the movement to repeat on the opposite side carrying left elbow to the right knee. Keep on substituting.t

Bicycle Crunch Core Workout
Credit Image: Greatist


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